July 15, 2009

Start an Online Business after a Layoff


Hostway Team

By Hostway

If a recent layoff has kicked your entrepreneurial spirit into overdrive, an online business might be just the thing for you.

Owning your own business:

  • Provides flexible work hours,
  • Allows you to monetize what you’re passionate about and
  • Offers extra income while you search for your next traditional 9-5 position.

The Internet is a great place to start a business because it has minimal start-up costs, low overhead and endless free marketing and publicity opportunities with an international audience. Plus, the cost of an ecommerce hosting plan with everything you need to launch and maintain your online storefront is a fraction of rental prices for retail space.

Getting Started

The biggest hurdle to opening an online business is deciding what to sell. Once you have a good business idea, everything else quickly falls into place. All you need to do is determine what type of store you want. Then, you’ll need:

Once your ecommerce store is up and running, check out all the articles available to help you promote it.

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