The CAN SPAM Act of 2004 raised the stakes for email marketers. Improper use of email now carries fines up to $11,000.
The act mainly seeks to stop deceptive email marketing practices. Here are some things it outlaws and ways to keep your messages legal and out of spam filters:
False or Misleading Header Information
Use your company name or the name of an individual in the company in the "from" line.
Deceptive Subject Lines
Write a subject line including your company name and information about the message.
No Recourse for Stopping the Messages
Offer a simple opt-out method on each email message.
Posing as a Personal Message
Identify any messages as advertisements and include your physical address.
If you comply with these guidelines, you will avoid the legal penalties. However, your message may end up in recipients' spam folders anyway. Learn some best practices that can land your message in customers’ inboxes.