By Monique Martin

It’s easy to add email addresses to your mailing listings, but keeping users subscribed is something else entirely. Email marketing is the lifeblood of today’s online businesses. Making sure your subscriber base is happy and growing is key to your success. Every unsubscribe is an opportunity lost, and it’s a heck of a lot harder to get subscribers back once you’ve lost them. Here are five simple ways you can minimize unsubscribes. (more…)

By Gail Seymour

If you have spent any amount of time crafting sales emails, you will know the importance of a good subject line to its overall performance. You'll also know predicting which subject lines will set your bottom line on fire and which will leave your readers cold is more like fortune-telling than weather forecasting. Sometimes the cleverest subject lines simply don’t convert, while the real snoozers do. How can a small business test which subject lines perform the best? (more…)

By Samantha Gluck

Small businesses need effective, inexpensive ways to market to a target audience. Email marketing is still a viable method available to businesses trying to get the word out about their products and services. You know what content to provide to catch the eye of potential customers, have promotions ready for the campaign, and now need a list of prospects to whom you can send the email. Buying or renting an email list of hundreds or even thousands of names is an easy way to get them, but finding a reputable vendor with fresh names is not. By following a few simple guidelines, you can make certain your investment in an email list is not a waste of time and money. (more…)

By Joanna Fletcher

Emails today use stable HTML coding to create visually appealing messages with all the branding and detail that customers expect from good companies. Providing that you value their time and attention through design and great content, HTML emails will strengthen your relationship. (more…)

By Winmark Business Solutions

The first rule of ethical email marketing is to never send unsolicited commercial email. This means you should only send emails to customers that have willingly provided their email address and have extended permission to send commercial messages. (more…)

By Joanna Fletcher

HTML email lets you give your customers a rich experience whenever they open a message from you. You can use HTML, the language of the Internet, to include your logo, graphics and professional layouts in your message, making every email look more like a custom-designed brochure or newsletter. (more…)

By Gail Seymour

According to Yale's email and spam statistics, as much as 90 percent of all email sent is identified as spam and filtered out without ever being seen. Even if your email passes these spam filters, it's likely to be one of 50 or so received by your customer on a daily basis. Consider how many emails you open and how many you delete without more than a cursory glance, and you'll begin to understand what your email communications are up against. (more…)

By Monique Martin

You work hard to craft email messages that are appealing to your customers and beneficial to your business. But the spammers have made it harder and harder to get your message through. Everyone’s inbox is swamped with spam, spoofs and phishing attempts. Many users have taken a "shoot first and don’t ask questions later" attitude when it comes to spam. They liberally and, sometimes mistakenly, hit the “report spam” button. Your email baby is thrown out with the dirty spam water. It’s frustrating, but there are some things you can do. (more…)

By Winmark Business Solutions

Due to their low cost, flexible designs and quick production time, enewsletters have become the most effective email marketing tool for businesses of every size. You don't need to be a big company or have a large subscriber list to create an effective e-newsletter, as part of your Internet marketing strategy. (more…)

By Melissa J Luther

Remember the CAN-SPAM Act, enacted in 2003? Neither do many email marketers, if the amount of spam clogging email boxes each day is any indication.

CAN-SPAM stands for Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003, and it sets out rules marketers must follow when sending out commercial messages, defined as any content promoting commercial services or products. It applies to all advertising emails, including business-to-business communications. (more…)

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