By Gail Seymour

When Internet users type in a URL or click on a link in their browsers, the browser generates a request for a file. Before that file can be delivered, many things have to happen. Let’s use a request for as an example. (more…)

By Gail Seymour

When choosing a Web hosting company for the first time, the options can be a bit bewildering. There are so many companies offering cheap hosting, and an alphabet soup of programming languages and technologies on offer, most of which mean very little to you if you’re not a programmer or Web designer. For many new Web site owners, the choice of host rests on price, but a question that’s often asked is, “Should I pay extra for a local Web host, or go with a cheaper international one?” (more…)

By Gail Seymour

Anyone who ever had the responsibility of maintaining an independent Web server can tell you, keeping even a single Web site up can quickly turn into a nightmare. First, you have to keep the server running 24/7, and it isn’t long before you realize that means having a backup server and an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) for each machine. You need a way to ensure when the primary server fails, the backup takes over seamlessly, and someone is alerted to repair the fault. You also soon realize the limitations of UPS systems. If you’re in an area with frequent prolonged power outages, that can mean investing in a generator. Before you know it, maintaining all this equipment becomes a major hassle. That’s before you’ve even started thinking about reliable Internet connections, firewalls, physical security and cooling systems. (more…)

By Simon Wright

From a consumer’s perspective, there’s nothing more frustrating than going to a Web site and finding that it is down, either due to a scheduled outage or due to a technical fault. However, such occurrences are even more galling for the business owner of the Web site. Not only do they miss out on that potential purchase but their consumer may choose to go to a rival to have their need fulfilled. This is why assurances around Web site uptime often feature prominently when a small business is choosing a Web hosting provider. (more…)

By Joanna Fletcher

The tools you need to develop an app are free and available; you have a great idea for a really cool tool; so what is it going to take? Everyone can make an app as long as they have access to the required technical skills. Whether you learn these skills yourself or pay someone to do it for you, there is a way to make your idea a reality. (more…)

By Gail Seymour

Most modern Web hosting providers include a suite of programs in their control panel that will install Web applications like blogs, content management systems or even shopping carts with just a few clicks. If you base your Web site around these applications, you may never need to upload files to your Web server. (more…)

By Buffy Cranford

When a Web hosting service goes out of business, patrons are often left staring at a vibrant white browser window reading “Web Page Not Found.” Ideally, Web hosting businesses notify their customers their service will be discontinued, but other Web hosts may disappear overnight. Before you run a Google search and find the next greatest Web host, take a few minutes and research the domain name rights of your Web site, as well as the rights you may have to your Web page files. (more…)

By Joanna Fletcher

What ever happened to the revolutionary floating data center that won Time Magazine's most innovative invention for 2008 for Google? This fascinating patent was filed two years ago — so will Google be dominating the waves any time soon? (more…)

By Meredith Barnhill

Web hosting can require a lot of resources, particularly in energy costs. Not only does this increase emissions by energy companies, but it also takes a considerable amount of energy off the public grid. The Internet industries' environmental footprint is growing at an estimated 10 percent every year due to rising demands. To reduce the impact on the environment, Web hosting companies are finding ways to "go green." (more…)

By Joanna Fletcher
Are you sitting down? Microsoft is offering free software! Well, almost free. You can sign up for Microsoft WebsiteSpark for free and get access to some of the newest and best Web design and development software Microsoft can deliver. (more…)

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