April 7, 2010

Landing Pages: Achieving your Secondary Goal


Hostway Team

By Monique Martin

You worked hard to create an impressive marketing campaign for your new product. You built a custom landing page, or six. But not everyone made a purchase. You can maximize the return on your efforts by having a secondary goal. This safety net call to action can help refunnel sales by building your marketing database.

Landing Page Design

A quality landing page should be clear and concise. The main focus of the page should be your primary call to action, in most cases, the sale. You’ve limited exit points. You’ve placed everything above the fold. You’ve made the message enticing and positive. And you’ve concentrated on the WIIFM (What’s in It for Me) aspect of your product or service. But if you’ve put all your eggs in one basket (for one goal), you’re missing a golden opportunity.

It’s a difficult balancing act to add a secondary goal to a landing page. You never want to distract people from your primary goal, but you want to get something out of the visit if a sale isn’t in the cards.

Your primary goal should always occupy the best real estate on the page: the upper left. That’s where the user’s eye naturally goes first and lingers. Secondary goals should sit in the cheap seats.

To learn more about eye paths and heat mapping, get yourself a free account at AttentionWizard. You can upload a jpeg of your landing page and see where your visitors’ attention is going and how you can maximize each page view.

Secondary Goals

A secondary goal is typically some form of lead generation. You might offer a how-to kit, special guide, white paper, or newsletter. Whatever the vehicle, the goal is the same: You want to collect as much information as possible for future marketing. But the more information you ask for, the fewer leads you’ll get. It’s a balance between quality (more information) and quantity (less information).

In general, you want to ask for first and last name (for personalization) and email address. This at least gets your foot in the door marketing-wise.

Visually, your secondary goal has to be much less conspicuous than your primary. Consider placing it once in the lower-right portion above the fold and again below the fold. If possible, use text instead of buttons. Also make sure you’re using WIIFM text and keep it short and sweet.

You might even try to have the field forms on the landing page itself. The less friction you introduce (the fewer clicks), the more likely you are to have a conversion.

For example, consider having a discrete box at the bottom of your landing page for your newsletter sign-up with the name and email fields present on the page. Don’t be afraid to experiment with all aspects of your landing pages. Constantly refine your methods. To get some ideas of various A/B tests and what works and what doesn’t, visit WhichTestWon.

Adding a secondary goal to your landing page is a smart way to maximize your ROI and keep that sales funnel full.

About the Author

Monique Martin served as chief operating officer for a successful online insurance marketing firm for five years.

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