December 21, 2017

2017 in Review: A Year of Growth and Opportunity


Hostway Team

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language and next year’s words await another voice.” 

T.S. Eliot

With only a few days remaining in 2017, I would like to take a moment to reflect and show my sincere appreciation and gratitude for everyone who has helped make 2017 a great year for Hostway, especially our customers, our partners, local communities, and the dedicated and talented Hostway team members worldwide. Our continued success is a result of all your dedication and hard work in our mission to provide secure and reliable cloud solutions to business enterprises across the globe.
Much of that success is evident in the accomplishments and growth seen in our organization during 2017. We’ve expanded our operations with new offices in San Antonio and Chicago, and we added our tenth international, world-class data center in Austin. We have added to our portfolio of products numerous security solutions, as well as Managed Support for the AWS Public Cloud, and VMWare. All this is so we may be able to continue to serve our thousands of business and enterprise customers around the world by delivering the best and most secure hosting and multi-cloud managed services.
Which brings me to the T.S. Eliot quote at the beginning of this message. 2017 was not without its faults and missteps. They will happen and we should not allow the possibility of failure to cloud our possibility of success. Last year has happened, so let those words, those actions, remain in the past. Next year’s words, next year’s actions, that is the new voice, and Hostway embraces that new voice and that onward path to continuing to serve customers and earn their trust in our every action so that we can really earn the title of “Trusted Cloud.”
Let the new year bring new challenges, new friendships, and new success. We welcome them and we will continue to broaden our capacity to provide secure, state-of-the-art cloud solutions for our customers new and existing. If you’re an existing customer, thank you again!  You are the reason we are here.  Always feel free to let us know how we’re doing. If you are considering Hostway as a partner, please don’t hesitate to contact us and let us know how we can help.
May this blessed holiday season, and the new 2018 year bring peace and prosperity to you and your loved ones!
Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

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