By Samantha Gluck

Any small business with Internet access and a computer network is as vulnerable to malicious Internet dangers and hackers as huge corporations. Large companies can afford to protect themselves with the latest and greatest in technology, often have in-house IT departments and keep software regularly updated. Firewall technology has come a long way in recent times, and there are some very affordable options available to small businesses with limited budgets. (more…)

By Winmark Business Solutions

As a small businesses owner, using the Internet is probably a big part of your business. One thing you don't want to worry about is hackers getting a hold of your business or personal information and using it without your knowledge. If someone gets your IP address, they can see all the Web sites you visited and access your personal data. (more…)

By Monique Martin

Scraper Web sites are the bane of legitimate Webmasters everywhere. They profit from other people’s work and add millions of pointless pages to the already flotsam-filled Internet. It’s important that you learn how to recognize a scraper site and why you should avoid them. (more…)

By Meredith Barnhill

According to Consumer Reports, 20 percent of online shoppers are victims of cybercrime. One way to protect your online consumers is to ensure that you have proper security measures in place when they send information. The most common way to do this is to make sure that your business has secure online order forms. (more…)

By Samantha Gluck

Recently, there have been several news stories about the Web sites of huge businesses being hacked and their user information compromised. When this happens to a large department store or other well-known business, it is definitely headline news. However, 80 percent of attacks on Web sites target very small businesses. (more…)

By Monique Martin

We’ve all done it; mistyped a URL and then suddenly we’re transported to a strange pay per click site with nonsensical ads and links. That’s just one of the tricks cybersquatters employ to make money off your brand. It’s a serious and growing problem on the Web, but there are things you can do to cut them off at the pass. (more…)

By Paul Davis

The Defense Department reported that in the last six months they have spent more than $100 million responding to cyber attacks and repairing the damage caused by intrusions to the military’s networks. (more…)

By Hostway

CAPTCHA is one of the most popular ways to stop Web robots from posting links in the comment section of your blog or submitting false entries in forms on your Web site. You've probably encountered it on various Web sites when entering information. You have to type the distorted letters you see in a box before submitting your information. (more…)

Internet security is a wide-reaching issue. You not only have to think about protecting your customers, you need to protect your business. (more…)

If customers conduct any financial transactions through your Web site, you need a secure sockets layer (SSL) certificate to protect their personal and financial information from prying eyes. (more…)

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