A privacy policy helps you establish credibility, and makes people feel safe visiting your Web site. Before you write your privacy policy, take a look at the policies on other Web sites to see what's typically included. (more…)

Whether your business operates from a single computer or an entire network, firewalls are your first line of defense against attacks and malicious code that could bring your operations to a halt. Without a firewall, your computers are an easy target for scammers and spammers who can take control of your system in a matter of minutes. (more…)

Whether it's your personal or business computer, having spam and virus software could save you a great deal of trouble and money. A virus could bring down your entire system while spyware and malware can give criminals the ability to access all of your information or even take control of your computer. A spam filter can save you time by flagging and sorting unsolicited emails from your important messages. (more…)

Computers have been around for so long that almost everyone has a data loss story to tell — whether it's the term paper file corrupted the night before it was due or the business presentation that vanished after you tripped over the cord and cut power to the computer. These events remind us that regular data backup is not a luxury — it is essential, especially for businesses. (more…)

In an age where identity theft has become a huge concern for online consumers, assuring your customers that their sensitive personal and financial information is safe with you is critical to a successful ecommerce Web site. (more…)

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