May 28, 2010

Five Up-sell Strategies for Your Business


Hostway Team

By Jen Brister

Up-selling is one of the best ways that you can possibly make a little extra money with each sale online. When a company uses a great up-sell strategy, they can increase each sale made by 20 percent or more. When you have a company Web site, it's easy to have your web programmer add in a few up-sell strategies to your site that will help to not only increase your sales, but will also help your customers find other products that they might need or enjoy. Here are five up-sell strategies that will get you on the road to success.

  1. Add complimentary products on the order confirmation page. You can easily have your Web programmer add a section to the order confirmation page which suggests products based on what the customer is buying. For instance, if your customer is purchasing a toy for his child, your Web site can be programmed to suggest to him that he also buy the batteries needed for the toy, as well as a complimentary toy that is part of the series.
  2. Give them a chance to purchase a warranty. If your customer is at the check out section of your Web site, you can include a screen which offers them a chance to purchase a warranty for the product before they check out. This is a great up-sell strategy that will not only help you, but the customer as well.
  3. Offer a small discount if they will add something to their order. For instance, if the customer's order totals to $23.22, offer them a 10 to 20 percent discount on orders which are above $25.00. This will encourage your customer to add another product to the order so that they can take advantage of your discount.
  4. Offer a bundle of items at checkout for a lower price. If the customer is purchasing a toy for a child, at check out, you can offer the entire series of toys at a discounted rate, but only if they purchase the bundle immediately. This is a good way to entice customers to think about the discount they will receive and want to go ahead and make the purchase at the check out.
  5. Offer a chance to purchase the upgraded version of the product. If your customer is purchasing a 20 inch TV, give them a chance to upgrade it to a 25 inch TV at the check out for only "X" dollars more. You may be surprised at the overwhelming response you get from people who were only looking for an excuse to get the TV they really wanted.

By implementing up-sell strategies such as these, you can increase the profits for your company and help your customers to purchase things that they will enjoy. It should be easy to have your Web programmer add at least one of these strategies to your company Web site and you will be able to see the results of the change immediately.

Be sure to build in a way to track which items are being sold as up-sells so that you can calculate which up-sell strategy is working best for your company. After a time, you will be able to employ a custom up-sell strategy that is proven to work for you.

About the Author

Jen Brister has been a writer, researcher and Internet marketer for three years. She makes her living writing full time, publishing videos and creating Web sites.

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